Pain Relief Treatment for TMJ Pain and TMD using the Feldenkrais Method

TMJ Pain Relief Treatment

TMJ Pain Relief Treatment

Do you have pain in your jaw at rest, or when you open and close your mouth?

Maybe you have been told you have TMD, and you also experience

  • pain in the TM joints, just in front of the ear

  • jaw locking episodes

  • limited range of opening the mouth

  • facial pain or facial muscle fatigue

  • noises in the jaw like clicking, snapping, and popping

  • headaches

While mouth guards and medications work for some, temporomandibular joint pain treatment based on the Feldenkrais Method asserts that

  • the head is heavy and must sit on the neck and spine in a way that allows the jaw to work properly

  • the relationship of the head to the neck, spine, and pelvis is altered in nearly all patients with TMJ disorder

  • any deviation of the head and neck from a gravitationally functional position over the spine places excessive strain on the entire musculoskeletal system, especially the muscles of the head and neck, to include the muscles and joints of the TMJ

TMJ and TMD relief comes from improving key relationships within the head and NECK AND optimizing the function of the jaw as it relates to the core frame and pelvis.

The Feldenkrais Center of San Diego provides jaw pain relief therapy that involves the whole body, along with gentle, painless exercises. The goal is to quickly, yet gently relieve your pain and prevent your jaw pain from returning. The Feldenkrais approach to treating your TMD allows a faster and more effective recovery than traditional therapies. Many find substantial TMD pain relief after the first 1-hour session! The duration of treatment and number of visits will vary depending on your particular issues and complications.