Neck Pain Relief Using Feldenkrais
Neck pain is a very common and disabling problem.
Neck Pain Relief Treatment using Feldenkrais
As the neck is a complicated structure, neck pain may result from muscular, skeletal, airway, digestive, cardiac or nerve problems. Has a serious cause of your neck pain been eliminated as a possibility? If so, the Feldenkrais Center of San Diego can help alleviate the pain from more common problems.
Common causes of neck pain include:
Muscular tightness and neck muscle strain are two of the most common causes of neck pain
Prolonged postures such as chair sitting and couch lying may create strain in the neck
Jaw clenching and teeth grinding can be felt as chronic neck tightness
Arthritis involves degenerative changes in the spine creating inflammation and pain in the neck
Spinal stenosis involves degenerative changes within the spinal canal creating pain, numbness, or weakness in the neck, arms or hands
Spinal disc disease creates degenerative changes in the discs of the neck. This affects the nerves of the neck, shoulder, and arms causing pain and or tingling to radiate from the neck or shoulder into the arm and hand
neck pain Relief Treatment using the feldenkrais method
Neck pain is not prevented by stretching or strengthening the muscles of the neck
The stability and integration of the neck is what protects your neck from harm
Therapy for stability is quite different from strength training and stretching
The feldenkrais approach to neck pain treatment Relief
improves key relationships within the entire spine
optimizes the function of the neck as it relates to the head
organizes the head and neck with the lower spine and frame
You will receive Feldenkrais neck pain relief therapy that involves the whole body, including gentle exercises. Neck pain relief treatment goals are to gently and quickly relieve your neck pain, and to prevent your neck pain from returning. The results may last indefinitely. The duration of treatment and number of visits will vary depending on your particular issues.
looking for immediate relief? Try this simple, effective exercise for neck pain relief.
Neck pain relief achieved easily and painlessly provided by Lori L. Malkoff, MD