Improving Scoliosis using the Feldenkrais Method

Scoliosis is a medical condition that affects the spine.

The human spine features four normal curves which help our bodies move and be quite flexible. Some curvatures in the neck, upper trunk and lower trunk are completely normal. All spines have these curves. Humans need these spinal curves to help the upper body maintain proper balance over the lower body.

However, when there are abnormal side-to-side or lateral curves in the spinal column, we call this scoliosis.

Scoliosis Relief Treatment

Feldenkrais Scoliosis Relief Treatment Session

When considering scoliosis treatment options

  • Is the patient's spine still growing and changing

  • How severe is the curve and are internal organs involved

  • The location of curve

  • The potential for progression

The Feldenkrais approach to improving scoliosis

Scoliosis treatment based on Feldenkrais principles helps to improve key relationships within the spine and optimize the function of the spine as it relates to the rest of the core, especially the hips, pelvis and ribs. The Feldenkrais Center of San Diego will provide scoliosis therapy that involves the whole body, including Feldenkrais exercises. The goal of scoliosis therapy is to stop the progression of faulty curves, and to prevent the other complications of scoliosis, such as organ compression and difficulty breathing. Feldenkrais will allow you to take control of your scoliosis, and prevent any further damage to your spine and organs. The duration of treatment and number of visits will vary depending on your age, curve severity, and complications.