Using Feldenkrais to Relieve Pain During Pregnancy

Feldenkrais session addressing Hip Pain Relief during Pregnancy

Feldenkrais session addressing Hip Pain Relief during Pregnancy

Being pregnant is challenging.

The Feldenkrais Center of San Diego can help you increase your energy and improve your quality of life, while helping you to adjust to the common side effects occurring through each stage of your pregnancy. You will be amazed at the ease with which you’ll be able to do everything you want to do, simply by moving more freely through the day.

  • During pregnancy the belly is expanding, the bones of the pelvis are softening and widening, and the organs have shift to accommodate your growing child. These changes put pressure on the back resulting in fatigued muscles and back pain

  • The average weight gain during pregnancy of 25 to 30 pounds can strain the back muscles in their effort to support the added weight

  • A change in your center of gravity shifts the alignment of your spine, exhausting back muscles and causing them to fatigue faster. Tired muscles are often painful muscles

To achieve relief from pain with pregnancy one must understand:

  • Pain is not prevented by the strengthening of the muscles of the back or core

  • The stability of the body rather than the strength of the body prevents pain

  • Therapy for stability is quite different from strength training

the feldenkrais approach to back pain during pregnancy

The Feldenkrais Method can help reduce your pain and discomfort while providing an overall healthier pregnancy. The Feldenkrais Center of San Diego will teach you simple movements that make everyday tasks such as getting up and down, sitting, sleeping, rolling over in bed, and breathing much easier. Feldenkrais is a modern, safe and innovative approach to movement that teaches you to use and move your body in more effective and efficient ways. The Feldenkrais movements you will learn are completely safe for both you and your baby during all stages of pregnancy. And reduced pain can lead to a happier, healthier overall pregnancy.

Want to find out more about how you can move more easily through your pregnancy?

Watch this video from the developer of Pregnant Pauses, a home audio program made especially for pregnant women. Home work like Pregnant Pauses can help you to progress on your own at home, an empowering solution to pregnancy back pain and discomfort!