A Feldenkrais pain relief treatment session
Welcome to the Feldenkrais Center of San Diego.
Your pain relief treatment center in San Diego County.
The Feldenkrais Method uses a gentle, yet compelling touch, guiding you effortlessly toward specific pain relief goals.
Feldenkrais sessions reorganize the way the parts of your body work together. The resulting improved movement efficiency creates environments for healing and enables free and easy movement without pain. The results can be remarkable.
The Feldenkrais Center of San Diego is offering in person Feldenkrais Method visits for people at low risk of Covid transmission, and will continue to offer Feldenkrais Zoom visits for those people out of the area or at high risk. Feldenkrais classes are one on one and designed to make an immediate assessment and action plan about your pain. Visits last an average of 60 minutes. Once your pain and goals are assessed, Lori Malkoff, MD, MPH will use the Feldenkrais session to teach you a lesson specifically designed for your individual pain relief treatment needs. To help get rid of your pain even more quickly, modifying environmental factors will also be suggested.